Age doesn't matter.

Month: January 2018

How to Dress in the Colors of Winter

In the Winter, the colors of the natural world we live in become cloudy, with stark black and brown branches covered in glistening silvery white snow. It’s not the most colorful season. That lack of color tends to cause melancholy (or the blues, which tinge the cold season in a wide range of hues). Blue tends to also a give us a calm and peaceful feeling, so it definitely has it’s upside. As the daylight shines through the clouds, there are other subtle colors of the rainbow that can shine through the ice, especially at dawn and dusk. So there is a lot of beauty in the colors of Winter.

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Do You Want to be Told What to Wear in Your 60’s?


Sarah Jane Adams, Instagram star @saramaijewels and @mywrinklesaremystripes

There used to be articles showing what to wear in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Then I saw articles showing what to wear in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Then, once in awhile, I began to see a couple of articles showing what to wear in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond. When I was in my 50’s, though, I didn’t necessarily want to wear what was shown for my age category. For instance, I like a more laid-back, bohemian look than “a suit or fitted blazer.” Now, tell me, do you want to be told what to wear in your 60’s?

You can google articles that tell you all sorts of things that you cannot wear in your 60’s, and some things that you can…mostly, there are lists of what you cannot wear anymore.  I’m sorry, I disagree. I have found that age doesn’t matter.

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How to Find the Jeans You’ll Love

Jeans are a basic classic item that goes with anything.  Age doesn’t matter. I consider a pair of jeans to be essential to every wardrobe! But finding the perfect-fitting pair is the hard part. Here is some guidance to help you find the right jeans for you. Following are the most popular brands and fits, as well as a few things I have discovered during my own individual search for the best jeans.

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How to Make Our Food Great Again!

It’s never too late to improve your diet. Age doesn’t matter. Better health habits can turn back the clock and reverse the aging process!

I’ve always believed in eating clean, good food for my own health, my family’s health and the health of our planet. I became a vegetarian at 18 because I couldn’t imagine killing an animal myself, so I decided not to pay anyone to kill them for me. Right away, I started adding protein powder to my diet, just to be sure I had enough. I believe Hippocrates was right when he said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Now the world we live in might make that a bit difficult. My husband came across an article from a few years back in the New York Times called “Breeding the Nutrition Out of Our Food” by Jo Robinson, author of the book Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health. It explains:

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How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Goals to Start the New Year

It’s been five months since I last wrote in this health diary. Since my son, Chris, and I started to share monthly health goals with each other we’ve improved our lifestyle. Last year, we got to the point where we were both down to our ideal weight, improved our eating habits, and developed exercise routines that worked for us. You can see our progress over time in my blog category “Health Goal Diary.”

Chris and I agree that making these monthly goals together and posting our results here for you to see helps us to improve our health.  I’ve always found that if I say out loud to someone what I plan on doing, I’m more likely to do it.  Because if I say I will, I feel responsible to follow through.

Since it takes 21-30 days to develop a new habit, making a goal for the month ahead is an effective strategy.  Age doesn’t matter.  It’s never too late.  You can always make progress and actually reverse the aging process!

Now that a new year is beginning, Chris and I are planning new goals, picking up from where we left off. Our last goals were:  for Chris to balance enough exercise with a low-carb diet so he would see a difference; and for me to catch up on my summer outdoor swimming that was hindered by bad weather, injury and sickness.

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