Age doesn't matter.

Category: Inspire Your True Self

Would You Like a Prescription for Peace and Calm? Here’s a Poem for That

As we’ve traveled the timeline through 2020 until now, the tumultuous times have shaken our world. Would you like a prescription for peace and calm? I’ve got a poem for that. I discovered this piece of writing that I wrote in a journal last year. It helps you to find your true self. And it holds thoughts for re-creating our life and your world. Age doesn’t matter. I hope it inspires you and gives you some food for thought that is helpful now, and at any period in your life. Enjoy my gift to you!

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Why is the Focus of This Blog “Your True Self”?

Did you ever wonder why the focus of this blog is “Your True Self”? I chose that name because of my favorite style:  bohemian. It’s a free-spirited style that is nature-based and creatively expressive. Everything about it is based on being true to who you really are. Once I was inspired by this idea, I discovered how many more sides there are to your true self.

Some of those other aspects of your true self include:

  • the wide range of styles that express different personalities
  • feeling encouraged to show who you truly are
  • the deeper meaning of your true self
  • the realization that age doesn’t matter
  • and how women are transforming society by expressing themselves

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Who Are You? Free Your True Style

I was struck by the fact that a couple of articles from “InStyle” magazine were about being true to yourself.  That issue is central, of course, to my philosophy presented in Your True Self blog.  The first question to answer is “who are you?”  Once you have the answer to that, you can free your true style.  I think these articles can help with this.  Age doesn’t matter.  So, I am going to discuss them in this post and give you the links.

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How to Keep Our Opinion But Stop the Judgments

.. People have been clashing over opposing viewpoints since Donald Trump was elected, COVID-19 spread throughout the world and a black man was murdered for all the world to see. So I thought now would be a good time to examine how to keep our opinions but stop the judgments that cause us to fight and divide. There is a growing realization of how important acceptance is in our global society — of all people no matter what color, nation or creed. And age doesn’t matter.

So, what’s the difference between judgment and our opinion?

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3 Ways to Take Care of Yourself: Body, Mind and Spirit

Taking care of your health is an act of self respect.  You know how people say to their loved ones, “Take good care of yourself; be well”?  They say that because they love you and they care.  They also say that when they see you’re doing something that’s not in the interest of your good health.  When you take care of yourself, age doesn’t matter because you last longer.  So let’s explore the three ways to take care of yourself:  in body, mind and spirit.

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