Age doesn't matter.

Tag: Empowerment

Women Won the Right to Vote But When Will They Be Equal?

August 2020 marks 100 years since the ratification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote in the United States of America. So women won the right to vote but when will they be equal? Here it is well into the 21st century already. Don’t you think it’s about time?! And when we are finally equal, let’s also remember that age doesn’t matter! That’s another change that is well overdue in our society.

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The Peacock Shows You How to Stand Out

If you haven’t yet, I’d like to encourage you to let your true self stand out and be noticed.  Go ahead and be bold, like the peacock!  Show your true colors, inside and out.  Age doesn’t matter.  Why wait?

If you are reading this, it is time to be blessed with the magic of the peacock’s message.  If you want others to be blessed with this energy, share this article ?

Close your eyes and imagine the peacock’s glowing array of colors.  Feel the power of that beauty.  Now take that inspiration and think of how you’d like to express yourself just as freely and boldly.

What are your favorite colors?  Which ones look best on you?  What are your best outfits?  What have you worn that makes you feel beautiful, sexy, powerful?  Put these things on rotation and wear them again…(not something I say often, huh?  Usually I’m all about variety.  I’ll have to take my own advice.  Lol!)

In Indian lore, any living creature that comes across your path brings you a message.  These “totem” animals represent the subconscious mind, giving the information about the energy held.  The Indians believed that each and every one of these beautiful powerful animals have medicine powers and knowledge to share.  When you see them, they are helping your to learn, grow and expand your consciousness.

I’d like to talk a little more about true beauty within and without…

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