Age doesn't matter.

Tag: Women’s Empowerment

It’s Time for Mourning, Respect and Remembering

This week, we were saddened to lose our longtime, dedicated Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  Now it’s time for mourning, respect and remembering this feminist icon.  It’s not a time for rushing a new Justice to fill her seat one week later just before an election.  That would be an injustice to her memory.  And it would take away the rights of the people to have a say.  Their vote is their chance to have a say in the matter at hand.

Also known as Notorious RBG, she received this nickname from a young woman named Shana Knizhnik who compared RBG’s dissenting opinions to protest lyrics by rapper Notorious B.I.G.  The idea was that RBG was tough and absolutely awesome.  Age doesn’t matter when you speak out and stand up for what’s important!

Scene from the Supreme Court Vigil – The Cut

Crowds showed up at the Supreme Court steps and across the country, holding vigils after the passing of this tiny yet great woman.  What they are feeling in their hearts is not something that is easy to put into words.  Poetry can help a little.  So I have penned a poem of hope for the grieving:

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