Age doesn't matter.

Tips on How to Spring Clean Your Closet

As spring comes on, it’s time for the annual swap of putting away our heavy winter clothes and pulling out our light and bright springtime things to wear.  In my last blog post, “How to Really Enjoy the Transition to Warm Weather,” I gave you outfit ideas for the changing temps.  Now it’s time to give our closets a spring cleaning.  So I have some handy tips to share with you on how to spring clean your closet.

I love being able to add to my beautiful wardrobe, but I struggle to get rid of things.  I have these ideas that someday I might need them or want them or that I should hang on to less-than-ideal basics until I can find the ideal version.

I am always trying to better organize what I do have.  It makes it much easier to come up with new outfit ideas when you can see the colors and types of clothing clearly.  And besides, I like things to be neat and orderly.  Perhaps you do, too.  Age doesn’t matter; it’s our inner peace that’s important.  And order creates calm mornings and inner happiness, and a beautiful home and beautiful clothes to live in.

In my efforts to control clutter in my closet and wardrobe, I collect tips on how to accomplish this.  My favorite guide to transitioning my wardrobe from winter to spring is my post on “How to Clean Out Your Closet for Spring in 6 Easy Steps” in my Check Lists and Guides category.  With that already available to you (just click on the title to link to it), I am posting here today some tips to consider on getting things under control.

Tips On How to Spring Clean Your Closet

Here are things to consider when narrowing down your wardrobe.  As you go through your clothes, deciding what you should get rid of, try asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I love it?  (or as Marie Kondo says in her Konmari method, “does it spark joy?”)
  2. Is it flattering?
  3. Is this the image I want to portray, or is this my style?
  4. Does it still fit properly?

If it’s sentimental or nostalgic though, store it.

OR —

If you still love it and it’s still flattering, but no longer fresh, demote it (to lounging, workout, etc.)

Clothes that are always okay to keep are:

  1. Good leather boots,
  2. Black skirts,
  3. Well-fitting white tees,
  4. Well-cut supple leather jackets in any color,
  5. Great-fitting black pants,
  6. Short, snug-fitting black jackets.

You can keep the lists in this post handy for your decision making.  Also, you might want to check out my six easy steps for cleaning out your closet for spring (here). 

Which of these tips are helpful to you?  Please be sure to let us know by leaving a reply below!

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