Age doesn't matter.

Spotlight on Fashion & Beauty Topics for a Happy New Year

As we approach the new year, we at The Beauty Spotlight Team are sharing fashion and beauty topics to give you happiness and peace of mind. First of all, we’re providing a long list of sales you need to get to before it’s too late! Then, we have food for thought on a beauty dilemma. There’s also a new lip treatment that you wouldn’t want to overlook. And finally, we have easy inspiration for dressing for the holidays and beyond. Age doesn’t matter.

Enjoy this variety of fashion & beauty topics by clicking on each one below. You will be transported to the full post on each subject.

We wish you a beautiful new year!

Spotlight on Fashion & Beauty Topics:

Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog has compiled a HUGE list of After Christmas Sales that you don’t want to miss!

Think about those days when you’re feeling top-notch. The hair’s looking great and the outfit is on point. Are you aiming for a round of applause from the world or just loving your own vibe? It’s tricky balancing what society expects and how you see yourself. So here’s the juicy question: Who are you really dressing up for? Is it to wow the crowd or to give yourself a little high-five? It seems to be a bit of a beauty riddle, isn’t it? Read more about this beauty dilemma as Barbie’s Beauty Bits discusses whether we dress up for the world or ourselves.

In time for New Year’s, Angie at Your True Self Blog has lots of outfit inspiration for ways to wear a lace top.

Chapped lips? Dry lips from lipstick? There are a million lip balms in this world, but Allison from Never Say Die Beauty has found her new favorite lip balm in a pot for smooth, hydrated, non-sticky lips!

And There’s More!

Like this post?  You might also like to read other editions of the Beauty Spotlight Team HERE.

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