Age doesn't matter.

Tag: Leggings

Dozens of Ways to Get a Long, Lean Look With This Outfit Formula

I was recently admiring a fashion “uniform” that I decided to wear more often. So for today’s style tip, I’m offering this outfit formula to inspire you as well. Take a look in your closet to see what items you have that can be combined using this idea. I have come up with a couple dozen combos below to help you get started with your own variations on this theme.

Here’s the Style Tip:

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How to Look Cute When You’re Just Lounging Around

Whether you’re working at home or relaxing on weekends, you can still look good — even when no one’s looking.  Just for you…your true self…body, mind and soul…to be comfortable and beautiful.  So I’m going to share with you my ideas on how to look cute when you’re just lounging around.  Age doesn’t matter.

Since I’ve been working at home writing a fashion blog, I don’t need to get dressed for work anymore.  I’m around the house a lot.  And, of course, I just want to be comfortable.  It’s time to dress down.

Yet I still like to play with colors, scarves are my signature piece, and I like to add a cool piece of jewelry or more.  As always, I don’t like to wear the same thing twice; I like to create endless combinations of what I have.  Yet I have some favorite combos, such as a tunic with skinnies or a maxi with a t-shirt.  And the best thing is:  I love my jeans.

What do you wear when you’re just hanging around the house?  Do you wear sweats or jeans and a tee?  Are you tired of the same old thing and feel like you’re ready for some new inspiration?  Do you want to look great while you lounge in comfort?

Well then, let’s explore:

How to Look Cute When You’re Just Lounging Around

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